SSH ProxyJump option

SSH ProxyJump for SSH Proxy connections is the option of an automatic jump for SSH Proxy connection made using native SSH clients through multiple bastion hosts creating a single end-to-end session when connecting to a configured record.

SSH ProxyJump is useful for MSPs (Managed Service Providers) accessing client servers in isolated networks accessible through a chain of available bastion hosts.

To enable the SSH ProxyJump for SSH Proxy connections, use custom String field Command in the record definition in addition to SSH Agent Forwarding configuration to specify ProxyJump command through the chain of bastion hosts such as in the following example:

ssh -J user@bastion:port,user@bastion2:port user@remote -P port


For the simple one-host jump use the following command to jump to the destination server from the first connected host:

ssh user@remote -P port


When connecting to the record with SSH Agent Forwarding and ProxyJump enabled, the system will open a connection to the host and private key configured in the record and immediately execute the configured command to establish an end-to-end terminal session from the user computer to the remote server through the chain of bastion hosts.