Below is a small example of calling PAM API using VBScript.
The majority of this example demonstrates the functions that parse JSon responses from PAM API and encode parameters.
Scroll down to the section “PAM API Example” to learn about the actual REST API call.
In addition to this detailed guide you can also view the list of other functions you can call using REST API by navigating to Administration > Settings > Application Nodes > API Documentation.
Looking for REST API examples using other scripts? Click PowerShell examples, Shell examples or Python examples for additional information.
The example first connects to the PAM server and generates a new password for the specified record type (Windows Host). After that, the example uses this password to create a Windows Host record.
The generated password could be used to provision the actual Windows computer or an administrator account.
Option Explicit
Dim restReq, base, url, rtid, fid, userName, password, res, json, pwd, custom, recordName, description
Dim host, port, user
' ----------------------------
' PAM Connection Parameters
' ----------------------------
base = "http://localhost:8080/xtam" ' PAM Server URL
userName = "pam_user" ' PAM Login
password = "pam_password" ' PAM user password
' --------------------
' Object Attributes
' --------------------
rtid = "133" ' Record Type ID
fid = "1151" ' Folder ID
recordName = "Auto-created Record" ' Record name
description = "Record for auto-provisioned computer" ' Record description
host = "host.company.com" ' Host on record
port = "3389" ' Port on record
user = "Administrator" ' user on record
' -----------------
' JSON Parser
' -----------------
Class aspJSON
Public data
Private p_JSONstring
private aj_in_string, aj_in_escape, aj_i_tmp, aj_char_tmp, aj_s_tmp, aj_line_tmp, aj_line, aj_lines, aj_currentlevel, aj_currentkey, aj_currentvalue, aj_newlabel, aj_XmlHttp, aj_RegExp, aj_colonfound
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set data = Collection()
Set aj_RegExp = new regexp
aj_RegExp.Pattern = "\s{0,}(\S{1}[\s,\S]*\S{1})\s{0,}"
aj_RegExp.Global = False
aj_RegExp.IgnoreCase = True
aj_RegExp.Multiline = True
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set data = Nothing
Set aj_RegExp = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub loadJSON(inputsource)
inputsource = aj_MultilineTrim(inputsource)
If Len(inputsource) = 0 Then Err.Raise 1, "loadJSON Error", "No data to load."
select case Left(inputsource, 1)
case "{", "["
case else
Set aj_XmlHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
aj_XmlHttp.open "GET", inputsource, False
aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/json"
aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "CharSet", "UTF-8"
inputsource = aj_XmlHttp.responseText
set aj_XmlHttp = Nothing
end select
p_JSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring(inputsource)
aj_lines = Split(p_JSONstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10))
Dim level(99)
aj_currentlevel = 1
Set level(aj_currentlevel) = data
For Each aj_line In aj_lines
aj_currentkey = ""
aj_currentvalue = ""
If Instr(aj_line, ":") > 0 Then
aj_in_string = False
aj_in_escape = False
aj_colonfound = False
For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_line)
If aj_in_escape Then
aj_in_escape = False
Select Case Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp, 1)
Case """"
aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string
Case ":"
If Not aj_in_escape And Not aj_in_string Then
aj_currentkey = Left(aj_line, aj_i_tmp - 1)
aj_currentvalue = Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp + 1)
aj_colonfound = True
Exit For
End If
Case "\"
aj_in_escape = True
End Select
End If
if aj_colonfound then
aj_currentkey = aj_Strip(aj_JSONDecode(aj_currentkey), """")
If Not level(aj_currentlevel).exists(aj_currentkey) Then level(aj_currentlevel).Add aj_currentkey, ""
end if
End If
If right(aj_line,1) = "{" Or right(aj_line,1) = "[" Then
If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count
Set level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = Collection()
Set level(aj_currentlevel + 1) = level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey)
aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel + 1
aj_currentkey = ""
ElseIf right(aj_line,1) = "}" Or right(aj_line,1) = "]" or right(aj_line,2) = "}," Or right(aj_line,2) = "]," Then
aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel - 1
ElseIf Len(Trim(aj_line)) > 0 Then
if Len(aj_currentvalue) = 0 Then aj_currentvalue = aj_line
aj_currentvalue = getJSONValue(aj_currentvalue)
If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count
level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = aj_currentvalue
End If
End Sub
Public Function Collection()
set Collection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Function
Public Function AddToCollection(dictobj)
if TypeName(dictobj) <> "Dictionary" then Err.Raise 1, "AddToCollection Error", "Not a collection."
aj_newlabel = dictobj.Count
dictobj.Add aj_newlabel, Collection()
set AddToCollection = dictobj.item(aj_newlabel)
end function
Private Function CleanUpJSONstring(aj_originalstring)
aj_originalstring = Replace(aj_originalstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "")
aj_originalstring = Mid(aj_originalstring, 2, Len(aj_originalstring) - 2)
aj_in_string = False : aj_in_escape = False : aj_s_tmp = ""
For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_originalstring)
aj_char_tmp = Mid(aj_originalstring, aj_i_tmp, 1)
If aj_in_escape Then
aj_in_escape = False
aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp
Select Case aj_char_tmp
Case "\" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_escape = True
Case """" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string
Case "{", "["
aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10))
Case "}", "]"
aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & aj_char_tmp
Case "," : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10))
Case Else : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp
End Select
End If
CleanUpJSONstring = ""
aj_s_tmp = split(aj_s_tmp, Chr(13) & Chr(10))
For Each aj_line_tmp In aj_s_tmp
aj_line_tmp = replace(replace(aj_line_tmp, chr(10), ""), chr(13), "")
CleanUpJSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring & aj_Trim(aj_line_tmp) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
End Function
Private Function getJSONValue(ByVal val)
val = Trim(val)
If Left(val,1) = ":" Then val = Mid(val, 2)
If Right(val,1) = "," Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
val = Trim(val)
Select Case val
Case "true" : getJSONValue = True
Case "false" : getJSONValue = False
Case "null" : getJSONValue = Null
Case Else
If (Instr(val, """") = 0) Then
If IsNumeric(val) Then
getJSONValue = CDbl(val)
getJSONValue = val
End If
If Left(val,1) = """" Then val = Mid(val, 2)
If Right(val,1) = """" Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
getJSONValue = aj_JSONDecode(Trim(val))
End If
End Select
End Function
Private JSONoutput_level
Public Function JSONoutput()
dim wrap_dicttype, aj_label
JSONoutput_level = 1
wrap_dicttype = "[]"
For Each aj_label In data
If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then wrap_dicttype = "{}"
JSONoutput = Left(wrap_dicttype, 1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & GetDict(data) & Right(wrap_dicttype, 1)
End Function
Private Function GetDict(objDict)
dim aj_item, aj_keyvals, aj_label, aj_dicttype
For Each aj_item In objDict
Select Case TypeName(objDict.Item(aj_item))
Case "Dictionary"
GetDict = GetDict & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4)
aj_dicttype = "[]"
For Each aj_label In objDict.Item(aj_item).Keys
If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then aj_dicttype = "{}"
If aj_IsInt(aj_item) Then
GetDict = GetDict & (Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
GetDict = GetDict & ("""" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """" & ": " & Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
End If
JSONoutput_level = JSONoutput_level + 1
aj_keyvals = objDict.Keys
GetDict = GetDict & (GetSubDict(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & Right(aj_dicttype,1) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
Case Else
aj_keyvals = objDict.Keys
GetDict = GetDict & (Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & aj_InlineIf(aj_IsInt(aj_item), "", """" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """: ") & WriteValue(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
End Select
End Function
Private Function aj_IsInt(val)
aj_IsInt = (TypeName(val) = "Integer" Or TypeName(val) = "Long")
End Function
Private Function GetSubDict(objSubDict)
GetSubDict = GetDict(objSubDict)
JSONoutput_level= JSONoutput_level -1
End Function
Private Function WriteValue(ByVal val)
Select Case TypeName(val)
Case "Double", "Integer", "Long": WriteValue = val
Case "Null" : WriteValue = "null"
Case "Boolean" : WriteValue = aj_InlineIf(val, "true", "false")
Case Else : WriteValue = """" & aj_JSONEncode(val) & """"
End Select
End Function
Private Function aj_JSONEncode(ByVal val)
val = Replace(val, "\", "\\")
val = Replace(val, """", "\""")
'val = Replace(val, "/", "\/")
val = Replace(val, Chr(8), "\b")
val = Replace(val, Chr(12), "\f")
val = Replace(val, Chr(10), "\n")
val = Replace(val, Chr(13), "\r")
val = Replace(val, Chr(9), "\t")
aj_JSONEncode = Trim(val)
End Function
Private Function aj_JSONDecode(ByVal val)
val = Replace(val, "\""", """")
val = Replace(val, "\\", "\")
val = Replace(val, "\/", "/")
val = Replace(val, "\b", Chr(8))
val = Replace(val, "\f", Chr(12))
val = Replace(val, "\n", Chr(10))
val = Replace(val, "\r", Chr(13))
val = Replace(val, "\t", Chr(9))
aj_JSONDecode = Trim(val)
End Function
Private Function aj_InlineIf(condition, returntrue, returnfalse)
If condition Then aj_InlineIf = returntrue Else aj_InlineIf = returnfalse
End Function
Private Function aj_Strip(ByVal val, stripper)
If Left(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Mid(val, 2)
If Right(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
aj_Strip = val
End Function
Private Function aj_MultilineTrim(TextData)
aj_MultilineTrim = aj_RegExp.Replace(TextData, "$1")
End Function
private function aj_Trim(val)
aj_Trim = Trim(val)
Do While Left(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Mid(aj_Trim, 2) : Loop
Do While Right(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Left(aj_Trim, Len(aj_Trim) - 1) : Loop
aj_Trim = Trim(aj_Trim)
end function
End Class
' --------------------
' URL Encoder
' --------------------
Public Function URLEncode( StringVal )
Dim i, CharCode, Char, Space
Dim StringLen
StringLen = Len(StringVal)
ReDim result(StringLen)
'Space = "+"
Space = "%20"
For i = 1 To StringLen
Char = Mid(StringVal, i, 1)
CharCode = AscW(Char)
If 97 <= CharCode And CharCode <= 122 _
Or 64 <= CharCode And CharCode <= 90 _
Or 48 <= CharCode And CharCode <= 57 _
Or 45 = CharCode _
Or 46 = CharCode _
Or 95 = CharCode _
Or 126 = CharCode Then
result(i) = Char
ElseIf 32 = CharCode Then
result(i) = Space
result(i) = "%" & Hex(CharCode)
End If
URLEncode = Join(result, "")
End Function
' --------------------
' XTAM API Example
' --------------------
base = base & "/rest"
Set restReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
' Example simple function call to check the current user name
restReq.open "GET", base & "/user/whoami", false, userName, password
Set json = new aspJSON
' Call a function to generate new password based on the password formula assigned for a Windows record type
restReq.open "GET", base & "/password/generateByType/" & rtid, false, userName, password
res = restReq.responseText
Set json = new aspJSON
pwd = json.data("string")
' Generated password is saved in the variable pwd
' Call a function to create a new Windows Host record using Administrator as a user name and a generated password as a password on the record
custom = "{""Host"":""" & host & """,""Port"":""" & port & """,""User"":""" & user & """,""Password"":""" & pwd & """}"
custom = URLEncode(custom)
recordName = URLEncode(recordName)
description = URLEncode(description)
restReq.open "POST", base & "/record/new/1151/" & rtid, false, userName, password
restReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
restReq.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
restReq.send "name=" & recordName & "&description=" & description & "&custom=" & custom
res = restReq.responseText
WScript.echo "Record created with generated password. Use variable pwd to reuse the generated password"