Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.202004192321

April 19, 2020

PAM Update: Added multi-hop RDP Proxy option to access servers in remote networks using native RDP clients

This update added multi-hop RDP Proxy option to access servers in remote networks using native RDP clients.

Added multi-hop RDP Proxy option

The system could be configured to select a specific session managers group out of several configured groups (called Proximity Groups) to serve remote computers located on a specific Vault, in a specified IP range or in a specific domain.

For example, computers from the network 10.0.0.x/24 could be served by SERVER SM1 or SERVER SM2 (balanced) while computers from the network 10.1.1.x/24 could be served by balanced session managers SERVER SM3 or SERVER SM4.

This option was available for a long time for in-browser sessions as well as sessions established using native SSH clients.

The update brings this option for the sessions established by native RDP clients.

The multi-hop RDP Proxy option is useful for the scenarios of connecting to several distributed data-centers in a large organization or to connect to closed client networks by MSP.

Read Double-Hop SSH and RDP Proxy Configuration article linked below for the details of the double hop architecture and configuration.