Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.202012132324

December 13, 2020

PAM Update: Added the option to save and reuse filters for My Access Requests report, added more regional keyboard layouts for RDP Sessions

This update adds the option to save and reuse filters for the My Access Requests report, added more regional keyboard layouts for RDP Sessions, and improved the visual appearance of PDF exports for Inventory and Session reports.

Added the option to save and reuse filters for the My Access Requests report

The update adds the option for an approver to save filters on the Management / My Workflows / My Requests report screen simplifying the process of approval of selected access requests.

Approvers can customize the report to target specific users or time range to quickly select, approve or reject relevant requests.

Added more regional keyboard layouts for RDP Sessions

The update adds Spanish Latin American, French Belgium and Hungarian keyboard layout options to WEB RDP Sessions.

The update also added Danish, German-Swiss, Spanish Latin American, French Belgium and Hungarian keyboard layouts to RDP Proxy Sessions.

Added the option to control forwarding host and forwarding port when connecting to SSH tunnels built using SSH Proxy

The update adds security restrictions on the SSH Proxy tunnels forward hosts and ports to limit user options to connect to only allowed servers and ports in the destination networks.

The option allows defining strictly controlled tunnel options for specified point-to-point communications.

When the tunnel is designed to connect only to specified services on selected computers, the option restricts the option for a user to connect to other computers or to other services by building a different tunnel through the same privileged asset.

SSH Proxy produces an Operation Error audit log record for the attempt to build a tunnel for a restricted forward-host or port.

To enable the option to add the following fields to the record type of the tunnel record

  • AllowedHosts (Type: String, Display name: Allowed Hosts) with value is a comma separated list of allowed host, host:port, mask/bits or ipFrom-ipTo range (example:,,,
  • AllowedPorts (Type: String, Display name: Allowed Ports) with value is a comma-separated list of allowed port or portFrom-portTo range (example: 1433,14000-14100)