Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.202103072241

March 7, 2021

PAM Update: Added support for escape sequences to Interactive SSH job execution strategy

This update added support for escape sequences to the Interactive SSH job execution strategy and initial role selection for new personal vault owners.

Added support for escape sequences to Interactive SSH job execution strategy

The update adds support for escape sequences to the Interactive SSH job execution strategy to allow script developers to define expected shell inputs that include color change or cursor movements.

The update enables system owners to apply Interactive SSH scripts to a wider range of device configurations.

Use \e to define escape character in the expected shell input such as in the example of the script below that expects a colored command prompt, executes ls command and exits following the next colored prompt.

# \e[0m->ls -alp
# \e[0m->exit

The update also renames the Interactive SSH job execution strategy from the former Cisco to reflect the generic application of the strategy to a wide range of use cases and devices.

Interactive SSH job execution strategy is defined as a sequence of expected shell input followed by the system output to execute command after command when the end-point system is ready for execution.

Added Personal Vault Role option

The update adds a Personal Vault Role global parameter to define the initial role of the personal vault owner when provisioning a new personal vault.

The options include Owner and Manager with the Manager allowing the system administrator to prevent users to share assets from their personal vault with other system users.