Many companies choose to centralize security and network logging to a single Syslog server or appliance to reduce the burden of log collection, investigation and reporting across many devices.
While PAM does include its own logging engine that captures and stores events, it can also be configured to output this information to your centralized syslog server.
Syslog server
To output PAM audit log events to your syslog server, please perform the following steps.
You can now configure Syslog integration by simply navigating to Administration > Settings > Syslog within the PAM interface.
To understand what types of Audit events are logged by level, please read this article.
- On the host where PAM is installed, open the file $PAM_HOME\web\conf\ in a text editor.
Modify the second line of this file
from this: log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file, stdout
to this: log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file, stdout, SYSLOG
- At the end of the file, copy and paste the following lines of code:
- Modify the log4j.appender.SYSLOG.syslogHost= line above to add your Syslog host name or IP address. If you wish to use a non-standard port, then simply add your custom port number to the end of your Syslog name or IP address. :port.
- When finished, Save and close this file.
- The syslog output is delivered over the UDP port by default, so if necessary ensure that port 514 is open.
- Restart the service PamManagement (Windows) or pammanager (Linux).
# Syslog Messages
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.syslogHost={add your Syslog Host name or IP address here}
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.layout.conversionPattern=XTAM [%p] %c{3.}:%L - %m%n
Once the service has completed the restart process, your Syslog server or appliance should immediately begin receiving audit log events from PAM.
Message Filtering
It is possible to filter messages sent to syslog server to reduce the traffic processed by SIEM server.
To enable filtering, add the following properties at the end of the SYSLOG configuration.
The example below filters all audit log messages generated by PAM about the record Local Unix.
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.filter.1.StringToMatch=Class: Record, Name: Local Unix
These four additional lines in the log4j make it possible to SYSLOG only those events that match the String Match filter. It takes this value, searches for that in the message and if found, sends it out.
The DenyAllFilter class drops the rest of the messages from output.
In our example, it searches for “Class: Record, Name: Local Unix” which would send out any events specific to a record (Class:Record) with the name Local Unix (Name: Local Unix).
To include several String Match filters, the configuration would be like in the example below.
As above, this configuration will forward Audit Log messages about Local Unix record.
Also, the configuration will forward the messages about system admin account authentications.
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.filter.1.StringToMatch=Class: Record, Name: Local Unix
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.filter.2.StringToMatch=Event: Login, User: pamadmin
Below is another example to demonstrate two String Match filters to exclude certain messages from the stream:
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.filter.1.StringToMatch=HTTP\ tunnel\ request\ failed
Note that spaces in the message filter should be escaped by the preceding slash.
Note that filters only work on the message part of the stream event, not on the class or level. To exclude events sent by the certain sources (classes) from the stream (or to change level of the events streamed) use general log configuration line such as
After adding these lines, restart the PAM service to test the SYSLOG output.
For log4j2, please refer section Adding Syslog configuration to log4j2.